Other Alzheimer’s Treatments
In addition to medication, lifestyle changes can help you manage your condition. For example, your doctor might develop strategies to help you or your loved one:
• simplify tasks
• limit confusion
• get enough rest every day
• use relaxation techniques
• create a calming environment
Along with your doctor, a team of healthcare professionals can help you maintain your quality of life at all stages along the Alzheimer’s journey. A care team for Alzheimer’s may include a:
• physical therapist, to help with staying active
• dietician, to maintain a balanced, nutritious diet
• pharmacist, to help with monitoring medications
• mental health professional, who may work with the person with Alzheimer’s as well as their caregivers
• social worker, to help with accessing resources and support
• respite care center, to provide short-term care for someone with Alzheimer’s when their caregivers are temporarily unavailable
• hospice care center, to manage symptoms in a comfortable and supportive setting at the end of life
Some studies have suggested that vitamin E could help slow the loss of functioning in Alzheimer’s, especially when taken with medications like donepezil that increase acetylcholine in the brain. But other research found no benefits when taking vitamin E for Alzheimer’s disease. Overall, more evidence is needed.
Be sure to ask your doctor before taking vitamin E or any other supplements. It can interfere with some of the medications used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.
In addition to lifestyle changes, there are several alternative and complementary therapies you can ask your doctor about.